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To obtain a free copy of the sound files, email us on cotasscorpus [at] gmail.com. Please fill in our CoTaSS User Agreement and send us a scanned copy attached to your email.

The transcriptions can be downloaded below.

For an impression, find here a downloadable extract of sound file + TextGrid.

Sound files

10 individual files in .wav format, 410 MB total. Total duration 39 minutes. Email us for access.


We provide the transcription in Praat’s TextGrid format and in .txt file.

An overview of the annotation/glossing conventions used is given in this document.

  • TextGrids (transcripts)

These are time-aligned transcription files that were created with Praat (Boersma & Weenink 2016). They can also be opened with any other text editor. Download the .TextGrid files here.

  • .txt files  (transcripts)

This is the recommended format should you not be interested in the glosses’ temporal alignment with the sound file. Download the text files here.

Reading the .txt transcripts:

From left to right, the 4 tab-separated columns reflect:
starting time of utterance (‘tmin’), name of TextGrid tier (‘tier’), text on tier (‘text’), end time of utterance (‘tmax’).

The.txt transcripts look as in this screenshot:

Each utterance has 3/4 lines of text associated with it:
1. a) Tashlhiyt (Phrase-Sx)
2. b) Gloss (Gloss-Sx)
3. c) English Translation (Trans-Sx)
4. any comments

In the above ‘x’ stands for the speaker of the utterance:
– S1 is the speaker on stereo channel 1
– S2 is the speaker on stereo channel 2

If you notice any inconsistencies, errors, or if you have any other comments or questions, please contact us.



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